Monday, June 20, 2016

Review of the Honeywell Lyric Security System

This is the Honeywell Lyric security system review that AlarmClub has put together for you. In the review you will find  a collection of valuable information and tips about purchasing the Lyric security system and whether it is good option for you and your family.

If you are currently in the market for a new security system or you just want to upgrade your outdated system keep the Honeywell Lyric security system in mind. One of the coolest features of the Lyric security system is the fact that it can be integrated with the previously produced Honeywell Lyric thermostat. If you combine the Lyric thermostat along with the Lyric security system you add features to the mix such as Geofencing which we will go into more depth in the video above. The Lyric system is backwards compatible meaning you are able to use previous LYNX plus or LYNX Touch 5800 series wireless security devices and allow for all of your additional sensors to take advantage of the SiX series sensors.

Honeywell Lyric SiX series sensors offers you a few key advantages over previous 5800 security sensors with features such as, 128 bit encryption, longer wireless range availability, batch programming capabilities, Lyric lock and a sensor health check option. The health check option allows you to see if you SiX series encrypted wireless sensors are in range of the Lyric controller and to keep track of how much life your wireless sensors have left.

The Lyric security system is not just a all-in-one wireless security system it is part of what Honeywell likes to call a wireless connected platform. The Honeywell Lyric controller which serves as the main security and home automation control panel contains a built in Z-Wave radio. This Z-Wave radio is what allows the Lyric controller to produce a Z-Wave mesh network and allow for control of Z-/Wave home automation devices.